Define TBR – In Bookish Terms It Means Different Things to Different People

Most generally in Bookish Terms, TBR stands for “To Be Read.” That wildly general term could mean books that at one point or another laid resident in your library or virtual novels on your Excel spreadsheet, shelf, or shelves.

Or your list may be a very detailed spreadsheet of all the books you want to read (not that you yet possess), perhaps in chronological, alphabetical, (color?) or genre order including print, ebook, or audio editions. Then there is a short, specific list of those few next up in your queue. Mine consists of the latter, usually dictated by publishing date and rotated in and out on my Goodreads list, as I discovered it impossible for me to schedule a month out. I never know what gorgeous cover will catch my eye, or that there is a thriller pop up I must have. That said–my #TBR changes weekly–it’s as fickle as the NYT bestseller lists I just wrote about. That said–here are this week’s books–right now:

#TBR end of March

Last Night by Kerry Wilkinson

“It’s the early hours of the morning and Rose Denton wakes up behind the steering wheel of her car. She’s off the road, through a hedge and in a field. What happened last night?” Contemporary English thriller

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Dark Territory by Leo J Maloney

“Black Ops veteran Leo J. Maloney delivers a lightning-fast thriller that puts America’s top operatives on a collision course with Russia’s deadliest weapon . . . The Trans-Siberian Railway is the longest rail line in the world. But for Dan Morgan’s daughter Alex, it could be the shortest trip of her life—and the last.” (Amazon) Military, thriller and suspense

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Claws for Concern by Miranda James

“Charlie Harris and his Maine Coon cat, Diesel, are embroiled in a new mystery when a cold case suddenly heats up in the latest installment of the New York Times bestselling series.” Cozy mystery

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What about you? What is your definition of TBR? Is it totally out of control or this week’s reads? ©2018 V Williams V Williams

Author: Rosepoint Publishing

I am the granddaughter of Patrick John "Stanley McShane" Rose whose books including "Cocos Island Treasure" I've recently published. My time is now spent in reading, reviewing, and writing bookish articles. I'm looking forward to sharing this social media odyssey with you!

14 thoughts on “Define TBR – In Bookish Terms It Means Different Things to Different People”

  1. My TBR is books I own – paper or Kindle – that I haven’t yet read or want to re-read within the next few months. Currently 218! But I have an expanded TBR (nearly twice as long) that includes books on my wishlist. I cull that one regularly to try not to let it get too ridiculous! What you call your TBR, I call my Reading List – a rough idea of what I’ll read over the next three months. But it changes all the time…


    1. Yes, I see many on the Goodreads TBR are books on a wishlist, but they never came up later. I’ll have to cull. You are right, however, about my TBR, it is definitely a CURRENT Reading List and yes, it changes all the time. Fun, right?!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I seem to have started keeping different TBRs. There’s the ‘master’ one with all the books I want to read whether I own them or not and the books I’ve agreed to read. Then there’s the monthly TBR. I try to get through my monthly list and then add anything new that I really want to read that may have popped up during the month. It’s also nice to see the list of books 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, thank you, realized I was being a total hypocrite when I went into Goodreads and noticed all the books I wanted to read that looked good, but never went to a freebie. (I’m on SocSec–not a lot of extra money for books.) So really, you are right–I do have a long term (prolly never) TBR, and a weekly TBR–but sometimes that seems to change to a DAILY TBR–cause a new one just popped up–and it’s a delight! Will have to join Lynne at fictionophile and take a hatchet to my long term GR’s TBR.

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  3. I have my “want to read” list – combination mental, Goodreads, Amazon wishlist, and screenshots of reviews, but my official TBR is what I’ve started reading and ARCs to review. Those are more organized on Goodreads and in a notebook. It’s a “must read” list. Both lists are a bit out of control and I have to stop reading more than 3-4 books at a time, it makes it so hard to finish anything!


      1. I take notes. 😉
        Since I started blogging and following other bloggers, I’ve come across so many great reviews that I want to be able to get back to the person who recommended them. There’s a spot to add this in Goodreads, if you’re on the full site but I’ve also got a spreadsheet I’m starting for all sorts of book stats and want to put recommendations in there too. Screenshots are the easiest way to have the info and plug it in later.


        1. Screenshots sound like a very smart way to track those recommendations. I’m currently noting recommendations of books I’d like in my calendar but find many times they are no longer available (as on NG–archived). humbug Thanks for the comment!

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