Rosepoint Reviews – February Recap – Welcome March (and spring?)!

Rosepoint Reviews-February Recap

Much as I bad-mouth this area (California it’s not!), I must admit that February wasn’t all that bad. Little of that cold white stuff and temps that ranged up to 74-75 degrees. In this area, anything above 50 is t-shirt weather, so February was pretty nice with the exception of a few throwback days to below freezing temps. Can’t wait to see what March will bring, besides winds and rain, the other problem with this area—wind. Chicago isn’t called “the Windy City” for nothing and the wind always wreaks havoc when trying to ride (whether bicycles or motorcycles).

February is also a month for getting everything caught up on the blog; still wrestling with that and doing the necessary yearly appointments. The CE volunteers with our son at the annual AARP tax service for seniors at a farming community library which gives him a nice outside interest for a short while and he always enjoys. Slows down his reading services though!

I’m always excited about March–Reading Ireland Month—that and my birthday—a big one last year.  I am, however, increasingly dismayed at the treatment service people extend to seniors. I would argue that some gray hair does not always mean a loss of brain cells. (And no—not something I’ll just get used to without some blow-back.)

With all that and continuing to work with the little Pomeranian (now with us almost five months), we managed to provide reviews for twelve books. As always, links on titles are to our reviews that include purchase or source information.

February Recap

Death in the Ozarks by Erik S Meyers (CE review)
Where Butterflies Wander by Suzanne Redfearn
Being Henry by Henry Winkler (audiobook)
The Great Gimmelmans by Lee Matthew Goldberg
Someone Else’s Shoes by Jojo Moyes (audiobook)
The Wager by David Grann (audiobook)
The River We Remember by William Kent Krueger (audiobook)
Rich Justice by Robert Bailey (CE review)
The Longmire Defense by Craig Johnson (audiobook)
The Lost Pope by Glenn Cooper (CE review)
The Millionaire by Keenan Powell
Flight of Dreams by Ariel Lawlon (audiobook)


Favorite Book of the Month

Several great books in February caught our attention. Clyde loved The Lost Pope, while I gave five stars to both Henry Winkler’s book, Being Henry, and The Wager. I didn’t read The Lost Pope and feel Henry enjoyed professional and brilliant collaboration on his. So I have to give The Wager the nod for February. I didn’t want to shut down the audiobook and listened while grocery shopping, cooking, and cleaning. Okay—not vacuuming—I couldn’t hear it.

Book of the Month for FebruaryThe Wager


Reading Challenges

My Reading Challenges page… I’ve worked on the Reading Challenges page but am not completely up-to-date yet, nor have I been able to incorporate the Goodreads Challenge banner. Always a work in progress.

Miscellaneous Comments

Update on Punkin adopted the first week of October last year. At almost five months with us still prefers her crate to human companionship, but she is beginning to seek us out sometimes. We think she wants company or to play but has no idea how to do that. We’ve been trying to find ways to engage her. Still doesn’t want toys, doesn’t respond well to treats, or games. Being ever vigilant, we are catching her potty habits more often. Now if only we could tie those successes with her initiating the desire to go out.

I’ll be posting a list of books and activities tied to Reading Ireland Month shortly. Still getting that gathered and organized. Spoiler alert: Includes a Michael Connelly audiobook, of course.

Welcome to my new subscribers! I appreciate all my followers and love your likes and comments.  

©2023 V Williams

Author: Rosepoint Publishing

I am the granddaughter of Patrick John "Stanley McShane" Rose whose books including "Cocos Island Treasure" I've recently published. My time is now spent in reading, reviewing, and writing bookish articles. I'm looking forward to sharing this social media odyssey with you!

4 thoughts on “Rosepoint Reviews – February Recap – Welcome March (and spring?)!”

  1. I am definitely going to have to give The Wager another try. I am back on the library waitlist for the audiobook. You were very lucky with the weather this year. In Florida, it was cooler than normal, but still warmer than home. Have a wonderful March, Virginia. I just posted my Reading Ireland yesterday.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, and please, because I always wonder, let me know what you think of The Wager. Yes, I saw you posted for Reading Ireland. I’m still in the process and will be participating. Thinking it has to be my 4 (or 5th?) year now.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I hear you about wind and rain, we’ve had months of it, off and on (more on than off!) It’s been very cold too so I can’t wait for spring to arrive.

    I’m glad to hear things with Punkin are moving in the right direction, albeit slowly.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, slowly. One day she is almost friendly (still no touching), go outside to potty. the next day back to staying to herself. never know why since we are trying to be very consistent. she’s definitely caught on to the basics: dinnertime…i’ll be glad to see spring, but i know we will revert to winter again. our 71 degrees today can’t last.

      Liked by 1 person

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