Never Cry Wolf – a Book Review

Never Cry Wolf by Patricia RosemoorTitle: Never Cry Wolf by Patricia Rosemoor

New Release: August 1, 2017

Publisher: Season Publishing

Publication Date: Original Date August 1, 1998

Source: Season Publishing and Net Galley

Title and Cover: Never Cry Wolf – Attractive and Compelling Cover

Definitely heavier in the romance genre than I usually delve, “Never Cry Wolf” by Patricia Rosemoor has the suspenseful, thriller overtones I prefer. Lone wolf Donovan Wilde is estranged from his family and certainly never acknowledged the McKenna family legacy, but it is Laurel Newkirk who awakens the family tie he can no longer neglect. The legacy, “Act selflessly in another’s behalf, and my legacy will be yours.”

Laurel arrives at his family’s door  unexpected and unannounced after she claims Donovan has gone missing. “Her” Donovan had proposed, but upon her hesitation he mysteriously disappears. She worries something bad must have happened since she feels he would not have left without further word to her. The Donovan family, however, together in the family mansion for a private celebration, deny it could have been “their” Donovan, who is definitely not as she describes.

Fortunately, the father, a well known and powerful U.S. Congressman from Wisconsin, takes her story very seriously and together they set out to find his missing son–or his imposter. Unfortunately, the congressman is attacked and the real Donovan (not missing in his own native element) appears in time to rescue his dad and get him to the hospital. Donovan is the illegitimate son of the congressman, has always felt estranged from his core family, and refuses to engage his siblings, but continues to check on his father.

Laurel discovers an immediate intense interest in this Donovan (poor thing almost gets the vapors), and he the same in Laurel, but tries to deny the attraction. The sexual tension between the two provides a conflict, but only serves to draw them together in the mutual search not only for the imposter but the perp who attacked his father. Donovan is grudgingly drawn into the family fold in their collective concern for his dad where he realizes there is an unspoken and undeniable bond. It is through his now more mature interaction with family that he discovers much of the rejection was of his own making. His father had always tried to include him as part of the core family.

In the meantime, they examine Donovan’s connection to the plight of the wolves and his work with tagging and tracking the individuals of the pack in this wild and remote northern region of the U.S. Laurel’s interest in the passionate wolf controversy is examined in back story and supplies the connection that will provide their mutual interest.

There are some paranormal overtones, but the heat of the romance takes center stage and provides the source of the cause-driven plot, along with the answer to the legacy. The attractive Donovan is well fleshed, though a bit on the brooding and snappish side. He could be a bit more sympathetic if he chilled a bit. Laurel is heavy on the hormones and pushing Spinster City, so she has an agenda of her own. Dialogue between family members certainly borders on reality.

This title was originally published in 1998 with a different cover; now updated.  I was provided, and greatly appreciated, a pre-published copy (that needs one more edit) by NY Times Best Selling author Patricia Rosemoor and Season Publishing through NetGalley in exchange for a fair review. Recommended women’s (romance) fiction read.

Four StarRosepoint Publishing:  Four of Five Stars

Patricia Rosemoor - authorThe Author: Patricia Rosemoor is a NY Times and USA Today bestselling author with 99 novels and eight publishers. She has more than seven million books in print. Patricia is “fascinated with “dangerous love” and her novels include romantic suspense or paranormal romantic thrillers. Ms. Rosemoor has won a Golden Heart from Romance Writers of America, two Reviewers Choice, and two Career Achievement Awards from Romantic Times BOOKreviews. Additionally, she taught Popular Fiction and Suspense-Thriller Writing at Columbia College Chicago. ©2017 Virginia Williams I Love Likes and Comments--Please Share!

Author: Rosepoint Publishing

I am the granddaughter of Patrick John "Stanley McShane" Rose whose books including "Cocos Island Treasure" I've recently published. My time is now spent in reading, reviewing, and writing bookish articles. I'm looking forward to sharing this social media odyssey with you!

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