Mainely Wicked by Matt Cost – #BookReview – Witch & Wizard Mysteries

A Goff Langdon Mainely Mystery Book 

Book Blurb:

Langdon is hired to find a man who answered a classified ad and then disappeared into thin air. And then a second person vanishes. What starts as a couple of simple missing-person cases quickly spirals into a diabolical world of witches, wiccans, and wendigos.

“You ever hear of the Church of Satan?” Jewell asked. There was silence around the fire. The flames danced and flickered, casting shadows in the dark May night. Langdon took the bottle from Richam and poured himself another…

Bart, the dour but poetic cop, is back, even if demoted to a blue uniform. The dapper lawyer, Jimmy 4 by Four, is up to his regular philandering ways. Richam is hiding a secret from Jewell, and Chabal makes a new friend… And then goes missing.

What is going to happen during the Super Flower Blood Moon and who is the Wendigo? This time, Langdon might be too late to solve these mysteries before the blood flows…

His Review:

Langdon’s sidekick, Annie, is missing and he is intent on finding her. His investigation turns up a devil worship group call Wendigo. The group gathers young women for his sustenance.

Mainely Wicked by Matt CostLangdon is intent upon getting Annie back but is thwarted by the Devil’s followers.

Chabal accompanies Langdon on this quest.  Investigating the “Wendigo Grotto of Satan” is pretty freaky. Can this intrepid duo find Annie in time?

This story is well out of my comfort zone and I found it distressing. Apparently a nod to the 600,000 who go missing every year, there were scenes and descriptions of practice that I found difficult to read.  Devil worship is simply not my thing.

An unusual departure from the books I’ve read by this author before, this will be a one-off for me.  You may enjoy it if you are a fan of the genre or familiar with the legend of the Wendigo. C E Williams3.5 stars – CE Williams

I previously read Velma Gone Awry, a historical mystery, which was engaging and entertaining and I greatly enjoyed.

Many thanks to the author for providing me with the opportunity to read and review this book.

Rosepoint Publishing: Three point Five Stars

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Book Details:

Genre: Witch & Wizard Mysteries, Private Investigator Mysteries
Publisher: Encircle Publications
ASIN: B0C4D86219
Print Length: 301 pages
Publication Date: August 9, 2023
Source: Author

Title Link(s):

Amazon   |   Barnes & Noble


Matt Cost - authorThe Author: Matt Cost was a history major at Trinity College. He owned a mystery bookstore, a video store, and a gym, before serving a ten-year sentence as a junior high school teacher. In 2014 he was released and began writing. And that’s what he does. He writes histories and mysteries.

Cost has published four books in the Mainely Mystery series, with the fifth, “Mainely Wicked”, due out in August of 2023. He has also published four books in the Clay Wolfe Trap series, with the fifth, “Pirate Trap”, due out in December of 2023.

For historical novels, Cost has published “At Every Hazard” and its sequel, “Love in a Time of Hate”, as well as “I am Cuba”. In April of 2023, Cost will combine his love of histories and mysteries into a historical PI mystery set in 1923 Brooklyn, “Velma Gone Awry”.

Cost now lives in Brunswick, Maine, with his wife, Harper. There are four grown children: Brittany, Pearson, Miranda, and Ryan. A chocolate Lab and a basset hound round out the mix. He now spends his days at the computer, writing.

©2023 CE Williams – V Williams

Have a Great Sunday

Author: Rosepoint Publishing

I am the granddaughter of Patrick John "Stanley McShane" Rose whose books including "Cocos Island Treasure" I've recently published. My time is now spent in reading, reviewing, and writing bookish articles. I'm looking forward to sharing this social media odyssey with you!

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