The Rotting Whale by Jann Eyrich – #BookReview – #TuesdayBookBlog

A Hugo Sandoval Eco-Mystery Book 1

Book Blurb:

When a blue whale is struck by a research vessel off the north coast of California, San Francisco’s eccentric building inspector Hugo Sandoval is catapulted from his precious San Francisco waterfront nearly two hundred miles north to the headlands of a troubled sheep ranch in response to a call for help from his cetologist daughter.

The Rotting Whale by Jann EyrichThis episode is set on the turbulent Mendocino Coast against the backdrop of a failing fishing fleet, illegal cannabis grows, and the struggling town of Fort Bragg. At the precarious Chicken Cove, he grapples with the connection between a red tag posted on the historic ranch and the decomposing marine mammal at the foot of its cliffs. 

The new eco-mystery series tracks the collision of the man-made environment and nature while simultaneously charting Hugo’s own personal evolution as a husband, father, and native son. 

A charming cast of secondary characters who revel in the unassuming man’s perceptive abilities, while overlooking his many idiosyncrasies, provide assists in solving the mysteries. We meet Carmen, his corporate lawyer ex-wife; T. Ray, his best friend and fellow sleuth; his intuitive assistant Mrs. Dunne who steers their office on Otis Street, as well as the many regulars who populate Sandoval’s San Francisco. 

Immersed in the noir of The City, the resistant Hugo Sandoval is a media darling, reluctant bachelor, and people’s hero fighting the good fights in a modern era that—with each requested permit—attempts to eclipse the old San Francisco Sandoval loves.

My Review:

Ah, Fort Bragg, that little northern California coastal town has a special place in my heart as I remember those special summer camping trips to Wages Creek. Rustic campsites, cramped facilities, and freezing winds made for very uncomfortably frigid nights at the Pacific but so worth it for the fresh abalone that “the boys” dove for and pulled back up for dinner…an exotic and expensive “steak of the sea.”

So it didn’t take long for me to realize the setting of this novel is one of my favorite places on the California Pacific Ocean shoreline. Unfortunately, as noted in the narrative, Fort Bragg has seen more prosperous days.

The Rotting Whale by Jann EyrichThe storyline follows a San Francisco building inspector called to the northern coastal area by his daughter to investigate a blue whale that washed up on the shoreline. Forensics shows the pregnant blue whale was hit by a boat and headed to shore but there is the question of how she ended up in that cove.

Hugo meets up with his daughter, camped on a long-established local ranch, and soon his ex arrives as well. His old buddy, T Ray joins them, all eclectic support characters with different agendas.

Difficult for me to invest in either the main character or support characters and I floundered a bit trying to figure out the main mystery as it seemed to blur a bit. Blue whales (their hearts the size of a small car) are a protected species but are not the entire focus of the plot.

Certainly I enjoyed the descriptions of the area and information regarding the whales and the clash between man and animals in their own habitat.

I was introduced to something called “sinkers” or “timber fishing” which is apparently logs dumped into the Pacific. Over time, this cargo being carried from the vast forests of northern California south that were dumped around the area became valuable.

I received a complimentary review copy of this book from the author and publisher through @NetGalley that in no way influenced this review. These are my honest thoughts. It’s an interesting first installment and I’ll be looking for growth in relationships as well as more mystery.  

Rosepoint Rating: Three point Five Stars

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Book Details:

Genre: Private Investigator Mysteries
Publisher: Sibylline Press
ISBN-10: ‎ 1736795430
ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1736795439
Print Length: 212 pages
Publication Date: September 26, 2023
Source: Publisher and NetGalley

Title Link(s):

Amazon   |   Barnes & Noble


Jann Eyrich - authorThe Author: Working as a hands-on, independent woman contractor in San Francisco for twenty years, Jann Eyrich resided in the legendary shacks of Telegraph Hill where the writer was gifted anchorage to the City, along with insight into the lives of the characters she continues to create. First as a documentary filmmaker, then as a screenwriter, Eyrich’s stories always seem to be set within an environmental footprint. Later, as a writer and an activist in Sonoma County, Jann heard about a real blue whale stranding itself on the Mendocino Coast in 2009 and, with that, the adventures and character of Hugo Sandoval were born.

©2023 V Williams


Author: Rosepoint Publishing

I am the granddaughter of Patrick John "Stanley McShane" Rose whose books including "Cocos Island Treasure" I've recently published. My time is now spent in reading, reviewing, and writing bookish articles. I'm looking forward to sharing this social media odyssey with you!

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