The Lost Van Gogh by Jonathan Santlofer – #BookReview-Historical Mystery Thriller & Suspense

Book Blurb:

For years, there have been whispers that, before his death, Van Gogh completed a final self-portrait. Curators and art historians have savored this rumor, hoping it could illuminate some of the troubled artist’s many secrets, but even they have to concede that the missing painting is likely lost forever.

the Lost Van Gogh by Jonathan SantloferBut when Luke Perrone, artist and great-grandson of the man who stole the Mona Lisa, and Alexis Verde, daughter of a notorious art thief, discover what may be the missing portrait, they are drawn into a most epic art puzzles. When only days later the painting disappears again, they are reunited with INTERPOL agent John Washington Smith in a dangerous and deadly search that will not only expose secrets of the artist’s last days but draws them into one of history’s darkest eras.

Beneath the paint and canvas, beneath the beauty and the legend, the artwork has become linked with something evil, something that continues to flourish on the dark web and on the shadiest corridors of the underground art world.

Alternating between Luke Perrone’s perilous hunt for the painting, and a history of stolen art and stolen lives, The Lost Van Gogh is an intricately layered historical thriller perfect for fans of The Last Mona Lisa and The Night Portrait.

His Review:

The great masters have always been favorite subjects of art instructors. Who has not had the fantasy of going to a garage sale and finding one of their paintings among the items being sold? This painting was camouflaged by another painting.

The Lost Van Gogh by Jonathan SantloferThe original painting underneath is a portrait of Vincent Van Gogh painted by the artist! A garage sale “find” turns into a multi-million-dollar treasure! Taking the painting to an artist friend turns into a nightmare for Alex. This leads to a whirlpool of deceit and treachery that almost costs the young artist her life. Paintings worth millions of dollars may be sold on the black market by people who play for keeps.

This author has a commanding understanding of the city of Amsterdam and herein lies the problem. Ruthless crooks who handle artworks taken by the Nazis find very wealthy people who want the art piece for their private collections. Stealing and killing, however, are among the tactics used to secure the pieces. Alex is immersed in this shadowy underworld and her painting disappears!

C E WilliamsThe action is fast and the danger palpable in this tome. Dreams of wealth are soon shattered as Alex wonders if she will escape with her life. The writer includes many actual art dealers and facts known only to those who trade in art world. Thousands of pieces are still unaccounted for after the fall of the Third Reich. I enjoyed this tale immensely and highly suggest it to those interested in art and art history. 4.5 stars – CE Williams

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with the opportunity to read and review this book.


Rosepoint Publishing: Four point Five Stars Four point Five Stars

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Book Details:

Genre: Historical Mystery Thriller & Suspense Fiction, Suspense, Suspense Thrillers
Publisher: Sourcebooks Landmark
Print Length: 343 pages
Publication Date: January 2, 2024
Source: Publisher and NetGalley

Title Link(s):

Amazon   |   Barnes & Noble  |  Kobo


Jonathan Santlofer - authorThe Author: Jonathan Santlofer is the author of 5 novels, The Death Artist, Color Blind, The Killing Art, The Murder Notebook, and Anatomy of Fear, which won the Nero Wolfe Award for best crime novel of 2009. His first novel, The Death Artist, was an international bestseller and translated into 22 languages. He is co-editor, contributor and illustrator of the short story anthology, The Dark End of the Street, and editor/contributor of LA NOIRE: The Collected Stories. His short stories appear in numerous collections, including The Rich & the Dead, edited by Nelson De Mille, New Jersey Noir, edited by Joyce Carol Oates, the Strand Magazine and Ellery Queen Magazine. He has been a contributing writer to ArtNews, Travel & Leisure, and almost every crime and mystery magazine.

Santlofer is the recipient of two National Endowment for the Arts grants, has been a Visiting Artist at the American Academy In Rome, the Vermont Studio Center and serves on the board of Yaddo, the oldest arts community in the U.S. He also serves on the boards of the Mystery Writers of America and the International Crime Writers of North America.

He is currently the director of New York City’s CRIME FICTION ACADEMY, the only program devoted exclusively to crime writing in all of its forms. He also teaches Crime Fiction Writing in Pratt Institute’s Creative Writing program, and has taught at Columbia University and The New School. He has given numerous workshops at writing conventions and festivals and has been a sought after lecturer at colleges and universities and museums across the country, among them the Whitney Museum of American Art, MOMA, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum and LA MOCA.

A well-known artist, Santlofer’s work is in such collections as the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Art Institute of Chicago, and Tokyo’s Institute of Contemporary Art.

Santlofer has been profiled in the New York Times, Publishers Weekly, Newsday, USA Today; been the subject of a Sunday NY Times Magazine “Questions For” column, and his work has been written about and reviewed extensively.

He lives in New York City where he writes and paints. He has recently completed a new novel.

©2023 CE Williams – V Williams


Author: Rosepoint Publishing

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