Nothing But the Bones by Brian Panowich – #BookReview – #SmallTownandRuralFiction

Book Blurb:

Nothing But the Bones by Brian PanowichWith lyrical prose and hard-hitting depictions of the hardscrabble life in the rural south, Brian Panowich, author of Bull Mountain, Like Lions, and Hard Cash Valley, delivers a gripping new chapter in his tales of McFalls County in Nothing But the Bones.

In McFalls County, local crime boss Gareth Burroughs runs everything on the mountain. And Nelson “Nails” McKenna has been his enforcer since he was a teenager, though his heart’s not really in the dirty work. Then one night in a local roadhouse, Nails goes too far, defending a woman, and even Burroughs’s reach can’t get him out of this one. With a dead body and countless witnesses, Nails and the woman become fugitives on the run, and unlikely partners.

But on the road to Jacksonville, where a possible escape awaits, there’s more than one interested party on the pair’s trail, and the glimpse they had of getting away scot free suddenly seems elusive. In the end, Nails must make one final stand for his freedom—or pay with both of their lives.

His Review:

Nelson McKenna is a very big, handicapped young man. He finds himself the target of every bully in the community. The community is small and a gang decides to entertain themselves with the community dimwit. He makes up for the handicap though with a very large frame and muscles that don’t quit.

The bullies make the mistake of trying to rekindle their high school fun by taunting Nelson. His boss (Burroughs) catches them, however, and the lead perpetrator wounds up in very bad shape. Nelson is given the opportunity to take care of the bully permanently but is relieved of the duty when it is taken care of without him.

Nothing But the Bones by Brian PanowichWhen he confronts the gang again, it is in defense of Kate. She leaves the building, but not before calling him “handsome.” Nobody ever called him that before.

The McKenna name is very big in the valley. Nelson [nicknamed Nails] tries to distance himself from his father and live his own life. Unfortunately, most of the town works for his family.

The perp that attacked the woman will cause a show down and the town is going to pin it on Nails. He is given a bag of money and told to leave town and never come back. Nelson throws everything he owns in the back seat of his pride and joy, an early 1990s Ford LTD, and leaves. Kate has hidden under his clothes in the back seat. He allows her to stay in the car as he heads south to Florida.

Kate appreciates the way that Nails protected her from the others. She wants to stay with him, the only man who has stood up for her in her entire life. The relationship between Nails and Kate begins on the road to Florida.

C E WilliamsThis book is a fast-moving read and the characters make you admire them. Enjoy! 4 stars – CE Williams

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with the opportunity to read and review this book. These are my own opinions.


Rosepoint Publishing: Four Stars


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Book Details:

Genre: Small Town & Rural Fiction, Police Procedurals
Publisher: Minotaur Books
Print Length: 336 pages
Publication Date: April 16, 2034
Source: Publisher and NetGalley

Title Link(s):

Amazon   |   Barnes & Noble  |  Kobo


Brian Panowich - author



The Author: Brian lives in Georgia but he dreams of Parma. [Amazon]

Author’s website


©2024 CE Williams – V Williams

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Author: Rosepoint Publishing

I am the granddaughter of Patrick John "Stanley McShane" Rose whose books including "Cocos Island Treasure" I've recently published. My time is now spent in reading, reviewing, and writing bookish articles. I'm looking forward to sharing this social media odyssey with you!

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