Lost Man’s Lane by Scott Carson – #BookReview – #HorrorSuspense

Book Blurb:

A teenager explores the darkness hidden within his hometown in this spellbinding supernatural thriller from bestselling author Scott Carson.

Lost Man's Lane by Scott CarsonFor a sixteen-year-old, a summer internship working for a private investigator seems like a dream come true—particularly since the PI is investigating the most shocking crime to hit Bloomington, Indiana, in decades. A local woman has vanished, and the last time anyone saw her, she was in the backseat of a police car driven by a man impersonating an officer.

Marshall Miller’s internship puts him at the center of the action, a position he relishes until a terrifying moment that turns public praise for his sharp observations and uncanny memory into accusations of lying and imperiling the case. His detective mentor withdraws, friends and family worry and whisper, and Marshall alone understands that the darkness visiting his town this summer goes far beyond a single crime. Now his task is to explain it—and himself.

His Review:

I remember the concern about the change from the 1900’s to 2000. Pundits predicted the economy would stop and business grind to a halt. It seemed that the inventors of computers and the programs did not take into account the underlying date sequencing in computers. It was a very big non-event on January 1, 2000, because everything just continued. However, in 1999 the threat was real and computer geeks shook in their boots.

Lost Man's Lane by Scott CarsonMarshall is a 17-year-old making his way through school with all of the pressures and angst that only that age can conjure. His mother is a single mom doing the best she can and holding down three jobs to make ends meet. Marshall has no idea who his father is and is harassed continually by the bullies in his school in Bloomington, Indiana. His mom is his staunchest ally but she cannot keep him being a target.

His primary problem is that he has seen a ghost who threatens his life after a routine traffic stop. Add to that the troubles with his boyhood sweetheart.

A series of mishaps and life-threatening events are thwarted by the one person who might dislike him the most. He then befriends Noah who hires him for the summer and works to train him as a private investigator. The job is supposed to be boring but Marshall finds it extremely stressful and frightening. He keeps seeing the ghost who continues to make his life miserable. Add a repeating history of young girls mysteriously dying in the town since the early 1900s and the entire story takes on a terrible and foreboding patina.

C E WilliamsI remember reading Edgar Allen Poe during my high school years and marveling at the twists employed in his books. Scott Carson has employed some of that style and the result is a myriad of unexplained deaths. Can Scott save his girlfriend and solve some of these questions? I could not put this book down and the twists and turns kept me on the edge of my seat until the end. Enjoy! 4.5 stars – CE Williams

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with the opportunity to read and review this book. These are my own opinions.


Rosepoint Publishing: Four point Five Stars 4.5 stars


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Book Details:

Genre: Horror Suspense, Paranormal Suspense, Kidnapping Thrillers
Publisher: Atria/Emily Bestler Books
Print Length: 524 pages pages
Publication Date: March 26, 2024
Source: Publisher and NetGalley

Title Link(s):

Amazon   |   Barnes & Noble  |  Kobo


Scott Carson - authorThe Author: Scott Carson is the pen name of Michael Koryta, a New York Times bestselling author whose work has been translated into more than twenty languages, adapted into major motion pictures, and won the Los Angeles Times Book Prize. A former private investigator and reporter, his writing has been praised by Stephen King, Michael Connelly, and Dean Koontz, among many others. Raised in Bloomington, Indiana, he now lives in Indiana and Maine.

©2024 CE Williams – V Williams

Reading Ireland Month 2024

Author: Rosepoint Publishing

I am the granddaughter of Patrick John "Stanley McShane" Rose whose books including "Cocos Island Treasure" I've recently published. My time is now spent in reading, reviewing, and writing bookish articles. I'm looking forward to sharing this social media odyssey with you!

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