Rosepoint Reviews – June Recap – Summer is a Perfect Time to Read!

Rosepoint Reviews-July Recap


Squirrel looking for peanutsJune is usually a lovely month with Summer Reading Challenges being the perfect excuse for staying indoors and reading. While our temps were pretty mild in the upper Midwest, it can get muggy and staying indoors to read or write posts is a good alternative to working in the gardens. The veggie garden, oh so slow to take off this year, the flower garden not much better, and the fairy garden (my son refers to it as “the swamp”) just a wild mess as usual. Perhaps I’ve lost that fight and now the goal is to keep the weeds down.

Indiana State Museum, IndyJune is also birthday month, our son being born on the CE’s birthday—double celebration. We took the opportunity to run to Indianapolis to catch the Indiana State Museum exhibit.

All to say, we enjoyed June, and still managed fourteen books between us. These are from NetGalley but more now from my local library both audiobooks and digital. (As always, links below are to my reviews that include purchase info.)

Rosepoint Reviews-June Recap

The Silent Sister by Diane Chamberlain (audiobook)
The Water Tower by Amy Young (CE review)
Iwo, 26 Charlie by P T Deutermann (CE review)
The Mountains Wild by Sarah Stewart Taylor (audiobook)
Mainely Wicked by Matt Cost (CE review)
Need You by Blake Pierce
Overkill by Sandra Brown (read by both of us)
Hard Country by Reavis Z Wortham (CE review)
Before It’s Too Late by Sara Driscoll
Should the Tent Be Burning Like That? By Bill Heavey
The Final Frame by Harmony Reed (CE review)
A Sagebrush Soul by John Isaac Jones (5 star CE review)
The Caretaker by Ron Rash (5 stars)
The Swiss Nurse by Mario Escobar (audiobook)

These included historical fiction, literary fiction, psychological fiction, biographical fiction, crime thrillers, and mysteries.

Favorite Book of the Month

I loved The Caretaker (a new author to me and one I will follow) and gave it five stars, the CE gave five stars to the biographical fiction, A Sagebrush Soul. I’m sure it was great and he thoroughly enjoyed it, but I was totally captivated by The Caretaker. It haunted me and continued to resonate after I finished reading it.

Book of the Month for June—The Caretaker.

Reading Challenges

My Reading Challenges page… I have 73 books of a goal of 145 in Goodreads (one book ahead of schedule) and slipped a percent to 97% feedback ratio in NetGalley. As always, I’m struggling to keep up with the rest.

Summer is usually such a good time to finally get out and about! My heart goes out to the Canadians, however, with 259 uncontrolled wildfires (as of this writing) in a total of 503 active wildfires. I can’t even imagine all the personnel trying to fight that conflagration. The smoke has given us cloudy skies with dangerous levels of particulates in the air. As with all the yearly fires in California, however, I also worry about the coming winter and the devastation the lack of trees will produce. Let’s hope for a mild winter for our neighbors to the north.

Welcome to new subscribers and thank you, as always, to those who read and comment. I love hearing from you!

©2023 V Williams

Hard Country by Reavis Z Wortham – #BookReview – #crimethriller

Book Blurb:

There is no peace in the hard country

Tucker Snow is as tough as they come, hardened by decades working as an undercover narcotics agent for the Texas Department of Public Safety. Through special dispensation from the governor, he and his brother Harley cut a wide swath through the criminal element of Northeast Texas. But tragedy comes calling after taking a dream job as a special ranger with the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association, when Tucker’s wife and toddler are killed in a horrific traffic accident caused by a drug addled felon. Close to breaking, Tucker sets his badge aside to move his surviving teenage daughter outside of Ganther Bluff, a quiet town with enough room for them to mourn their unexpected loss.

But peace doesn’t last long for a man like Tucker Snow. Instead of settling into small-town life to heal from such an unimaginable loss, a fresh kind of hell hits them with full force.

Crimes and secrets strangle this rural community, and when a new form of meth with the street name of gravel gets too close to home, it’s enough for Tucker to put his badge back on and call Harley for help. The town will ultimately be better off with him as a resident lawman, but this unforgiving landscape will threaten everything Tucker holds dear.

His Review:

Illegal drugs have hit every population in the world. Texas is no different and the law enforcement personnel in that state are charged with helping curb the epidemic. Riches can be made in drug dealing, however, and their primary goal is becoming rich. Human life means nothing to them.

Hard Country by Reavis Z WorthamTucker and Harley Snow are agents swept up in trying to protect the public from these criminals. A new product enters the market with terrible social consequences, but dealers and distributors will kill to maintain their territory and income.

Tucker bought a beautiful spread in the panhandle and is settling in for a well-earned retirement. Since his wife and son were killed in a tragic car accident, he is left with his daughter Chloe on the ranch. His neighbor lives in a ratty mobile home and seems to have a very profitable business. He is not about to allow this lawman to come into his territory and destroy his enterprise.

This book is very well written and harkens back to some of the old Zane Grey’s westerns. The action is fast moving and at times very descriptive. The battle to control the effects on the American public of easily accessible drugs is similar to the wild west of a century earlier. Read and enjoy for there is never a dull moment. 4.5 stars – CE Williams

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with the opportunity to read and review this book.


Rosepoint Publishing: Four point Five Stars Four point Five Stars


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Book Details:

Genre: Murder, Police Procedurals, Crime Thrillers, Westerns
Publisher: Poisoned Pen Press
Print Length: (paperback) 400 pages
Publication Date: August 1, 2023
Source: Publisher and NetGalley

Title Link(s):

Amazon   |   Barnes & Noble  |  Kobo


Reavis Z Wortham - authorThe Author: As a boy, award-winning writer, Reavis Z. Wortham hunted and fished the river bottoms near Chicota, Texas, the inspiration for the fictional setting for The Rock Hole and The Red River Mystery Series. He was born in Paris, Texas, but lived in Dallas. “We grew up in the city and went to school there, but every Friday evening my parents put us in the car and made the 120-mile drive to Chicota, where we truly lived at my grandparents’ place in the country until Sunday evening, when we came back to the city. Our real home was that little scratch farm in Lamar County.”

Author Reavis Z. Wortham’s first novel, The Rock Hole, is described by Kirkus Reviews as “an unpretentious gem written to the hilt and harrowing in its unpredictability.” Kirkus also listed it as one of the “Top 12 Mysteries of 2011.”


Reavis also penned Doreen’s 24 HR Eat Gas Now Café. More than 2,500 newspaper and magazine articles bear the byline of this award-winning Texas writer. The Rock Hole was a finalist in the prestigious Benjamin Franklin Award presented by the Independent Book Publishers Association, is a member of Mystery Writers of America, the Writers’ League of Texas, International Association of Crime Writers (North American Branch), and International Thriller Writers.

He lives with his wife, Shana, in northeast Texas.

©2023 CE Williams–Happy Father’s Day! – V Williams

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