Rosepoint Reviews – September Recap – Welcome October Autumn

Rosepoint Reviews - September Recap

Yes, September brought our long-awaited East Coast trip! While I did get some reviews scheduled, I relied on my little tablet and the “stick” to which I’d downloaded the activity for the month. Unfortunately, it didn’t work although I’d tried,  tested, and thought I had it before we left.

New York
New York
Lincoln Memorial - DC
Lincoln Memorial

Our timing landed us in DC during their record-setting heat wave where walking the National Mall was a major test of the constitution of the physical kind. We planned to hit Philly, New York, Boston, Bar Harbor (my personal designation), Nova Scotia (the CE’s personal designation), Montreal (Canada), and Toronto (Canada). Hurricane Lee knocked Bar Harbor out, however, and we diverted to Plattsburgh IL, and a ferry ride—thence a quick and easy cross at the border into Canada.

Scaddabush Front Street Italian Restaurant, Toronto, Canada
Scaddabush Front Street Italian Restaurant in Toronto. So good we went back a second time.

We did experience a major downpour but nothing like New York just experienced with flooded subways. Our son did all the driving, the scenery was beautiful—much of it looked like home actually—except for the majestic skylines of the massive cities. My personal daily walking goal is 3,500 steps. Walking those cities achieved more than 21k steps one day, my equivalent of…10 miles? And there was always a lot of walking! Do you use a FitBit or equivalent; chronicle your steps? You’d think with all that walking I’d have shed some pounds. Nope. One—it was just one.

I mentioned last month our puppy adoption failure. Even with a lot of steps, could not keep up with a puppy. Still, back home and missing a dog’s joyous grin when we return home and a little couch buddy. I shouldn’t, but can’t help looking for an adult rescue.

If I was looking for some downtime, walking miles every day for almost three weeks wasn’t it, nor the backlog faced when we returned. Still trying to play catch up.

So a slow reading month—we read (or listened to) twelve books in September. These are still predominately from NetGalley, but more now from a variety of sources as we search for good, easy reading.   (As always, links below are to my reviews that include purchase info.)

September Recap

The Dog Stars by Peter Heller (CE review)
Dying for a Daiquiri by Cindy Sample
A Superior Death by Nevada Barr (audiobook)
The Woman with a Purple Heart by Diane Hanks (5* CE review)
That Others May Live by Sara Driscoll (5* CE review)
Three Wise Men by Lou Bavou  (CE review)
The Sorrowful Girl by Keenan Powell (5* CE review)
Tangled Webs by Maria McDonald
A Beautiful Ferocity by Jean Grainger (5* review)
One Last Kill by Robert Dugoni (5* CE review)
The Women by Kristin Hannah (5* review)
The Storyteller’s Death by Ann Dávila Cardinal

These included historical fiction, literary fiction, cozy mystery, and paranormal.

Favorite Book of the Month

Sorry, not sorry, but there is no contest here. Hands down, this month’s favorite (and will likely be the favorite of the year is The Women. Okay, you might accuse me of prejudice because we lived through that time—spent in nearby support—and heard that protest music echo in my head as I read. But I’d argue that the well-developed main character nailed the reality of the time—and perhaps could be applied to the present as well. Not due to release until February of 2024; I’d urge you to put it on your must-read list.

Book of the Month for SeptemberThe Women by Kristin Hannah.

Reading Challenges

My Reading Challenges page… I have 110 books of a goal of 145 in Goodreads (at this point one book ahead of schedule) and still riding at a 97% feedback ratio in NetGalley. Haven’t even looked at the Reading Challenges page. Soon…

Autumn is making herself known in crisp morning temps, changes of weather from erratic warm to very cool and back again. (In our neck of the woods, 80 will plummet 20 degrees shortly.) I do enjoy leaf peeping and did see the start of it on our trip. For me, though, it’s a harbinger of winter and I’m not a fan. As pretty as those northern states were, I couldn’t help but visualize and feel the snow and cold. I’ll proudly wear my Toronto sweatshirt, but I’ll be glad I’m no longer there.

Welcome, as always, to my new subscribers. I always appreciate those who read and comment.

©2023 V Williams

Rosepoint Publishing

Dying for a Daiquiri by Cindy Sample – #BookReview – #TuesdayBookBlog

Laurel McKay Mysteries Book 3 

Book Blurb:

Dying for a Daiquiri by Cindy SampleWhen Laurel McKay attends a Hawaiian wedding, her vacation soon becomes more deadly than the calorie count in her daiquiri. Her post-wedding holiday upends after a beautiful hula dancer is found dead on the rocks below the oceanfront restaurant owned by Laurel’s brother and sister-in-law.

When a family member is arrested for the murder, Laurel is plunged into a mystery where exotic Big Island locations–a coffee plantation, black sand beaches and a volcano–reveal their deadly side. And where is her hunky on-again/off-again boyfriend detective when she needs him?

Laurel zip-lines and four-wheels her way through the island paradise unearthing long hidden secrets. Will ingenuity and pluck be enough? Or will this hula be her last?

My Review:

While I’m not usually a fan of the klutsy amateur sleuth trope, I have to say I was hooked on this one pretty quick. It’s that sense of humor, you know?

My first outing with a Cindy Sample book, it was offered free on Amazon recently and I liked the title, the blurb, and that it is usually located in Sacramento? Our old stomping grounds for more than 45 years!

Dying for a Daiquiri by Cindy SampleThis time the setting is gorgeous Hawaii. We commented after our first trip to Hawaii, that there is San Francisco time, Sacramento time, and then there is Hawaiian time. The pace of Hawaii is just the perfect antidote to anyone seeking to slow down life, smell the orchids, enjoy those Mai Tai’s—or in this case Daiquiris—it’s just fruit juice. Right?

Laurel, with her mother and Stan, is in Hawaii for her best friend Liz’s wedding. Her brother Dave and sister-in-law own a bar and restaurant oceanside where the reception is held, but it’s obvious from the get-go that the sis-in-law isn’t happy with the entertainment, one hula dancer in particular. Regan isn’t shy about accusing Dave of cheating. But her brother Dave? Not Daaave!

So when the voluptuous Hawaiian dancer is found on the rocks below in the surf, it doesn’t look good for Laurel’s family.

We are talking light-hearted, cozy mystery, not something to be taken seriously. It is peppered heavily with humor while keeping a good pace in a well-plotted murder mystery.

The location lends itself to salty Pacific air descriptions combined with an abundance of wild island habitat further mingled with the delightfully descriptive aromas of fresh Kona coffee. The characters are lively and are eventually joined by Laurel’s boyfriend, Detective Tom after Laurel’s second close brush with accidental (on purpose) close calls. So there is a bit of romance interspersed with fast action-paced chapters.

Enough twists and turns to keep you guessing, glued to the pages, chuckling or gasping as you go. It’s delightful escapism, even given the seriousness of murder. The conclusion wraps it up well and leaves you reluctant to leave these characters. You need some fun? Discover this series; it’s a happy find.

I received a promo copy of this book from the author through Amazon that in no way influenced this review. These are my honest thoughts. I’ll be back.

Rosepoint Rating: Four Stars

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Book Details:

Genre: Lawyers & Criminals Humor, Cozy Culinary Mystery, Cozy Culinary Mysteries
Print Length: 267 pages
Publication Date: January 20, 2014
Source: Amazon promo

Title Link(s):

Amazon   |   Barnes & Noble


Cindy Sample-authorThe Author: Cindy Sample is a former corporate CEO who decided plotting murder was more entertaining than plodding through paperwork. She retired to follow her lifelong dream of becoming a mystery author. Her national bestselling LAUREL McKAY HUMOROUS MYSTERY series is set in the California Gold Country, unless Cindy feels like traveling. Then the characters tag along with her on trips to Hawaii, the Caribbean and Las Vegas. Her new SPINDRIFT COVE series, featuring Sierra Sullivan, is set in Washington State. Cindy is a five-time finalist for the LEFTY Award for Best Humorous Mystery, a two-time finalist for the SILVER FALCHION Award for best traditional mystery, and a two-time finalist for the Chanticleer MURDER & MAYHEM AWARD.

Cindy is a past president of the Sacramento chapter of Sisters in Crime and has served on the boards of the Sacramento Opera and the YWCA. She has two wonderful adult children, a lovely daughter-in-law, and a grandson who live too far away.

Visit Cindy on her website at

©2023 V Williams


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