Rosepoint Reviews – March Recap – Welcome June!

April Fools!

Rosepoint Review Recap-March-Hello April!

 March is history and spring sprang; it’s already April! Hope everyone had a great Easter or at the very least a lovely weekend and April Fools already. As usual, I’m getting those gardening ideas and checking my supply of veggie seeds to see what I’ll need to replace this year. It’s hard to exercise patience but this area has experienced snow in April (and occasional freezing temps), so hopefully I can wait long enough for the ground to change from mud to soil.

Punkin the PomeranianPunkin the Pomeranian has now been with us almost six months. I’ve come to the realization (and in speaking with several who’ve experienced rescuing ex-breeders) that it can actually take a year to two years to get them over fear and gain trust in the humans now caring for them. She got out on us in March merrily running down behind the houses on our cul-de-sac then discovering she could run between the houses to the street. Fortunately, she allowed the CE to walk up to her,  pick her up and bring her back home. Yeah!! Surprised me, too, but so thankful. Apparently all that fun wore her out?

I’m not sure where the time went, but we only read-reviewed twelve books in March. Well, I also posted a Netflix movie release for Irish Wish, perfect timing for #ReadingIrelandMonth24.

As always, links on titles are to our reviews that include purchase or source information.

Rosepoint Reviews - March Recap

One Big Happy Family by Jamie Day (CE review)
The Big Lie by Gabriel Valjan (CE review)
Obey All Laws by Cindy Goyette
The Wrong Side of Goodbye by Michael Connelly (audiobook)
Lost Man’s Lane by Scott Carson (CE review)
The Keeper of Secrets by Maria McDonald
No Strangers Here by Carlene O’Connor (audiobook)
Netflix Movie Irish Wish
The Connellys of County Down by Tracey Lange (audiobook)
Tom Lake by Ann Patchett (audiobook)
A Day of Fire by Kate Quinn (audiobook)
The Light Over Lake Como by Roland Merullo


Favorite Book of the Month

Both of us enjoyed books in March, but most reviews tied for 4.5 stars—just missing the five-star mark. Still, you can’t beat Michael Connelly and in this case, I have to give it to him for the favorite of the month. Bosch runs two cases concurrently, once again using his half-brother Mickey Haller, the Lincoln Lawyer and keeps the reader immersed and invested.

Book of the Month for MarchThe Wrong Side of Goodbye


Reading Challenges

My Reading Challenges page… I haven’t caught up the Reading Challenges page but hoping to tackle that next and haven’t been able to copy the Goodreads 2024 Challenge banner. Always a work in progress!

April is booked and I’m already juggling things around and trying to fit in author requests for favorite and Indy authors. Looking to get back to book tours too, something neglected last year for the NetGalley 500 badge. I’m also looking forward to spending more time on graphics, love spinning some artistic ideas, but spring can be difficult with so many outside activities. Time to abandon the treadmill in favor of walking the hood again!

As always, welcome to my new subscribers and a big shout-out to long-term blogger buddies, some of whom were recently discovered in my spam folder. Sorry! I can’t imagine why they got moved, was wondering what happened, and thrilled to see you there. Trying to do some catching up now!

©2023 V Williams

Hello Spring

The Big Lie by Gabriel Valjan – #BookReview – #HardboiledMysteries

A Shane Cleary Mystery

Book Blurb:

LOST: Poodle. Standard. Black. Studded collar. No tags. Goes by the name of Boo.

The Big Lie by Gabriel ValjanSun Tzu may have said, ‘Keep your friends close; keep your enemies closer,’ but he didn’t live in Boston, he’s not Shane Cleary, and Shane’s latest and most unexpected client is Southie’s most dangerous criminal.
The man who almost killed Shane wants to hire him, but Shane is more interested in Jimmy’s ‘bonus for a job done well and discretely—information about his father’s death.
His cat Delilah is against it, his girlfriend Bonnie the lawyer doesn’t know.

Everything screams he shouldn’t take the gig, but Shane can’t resist Jimmy’s ‘incentive.’
Life is neither easy nor simple for Shane. Bonnie asks for help on a pro bono case, friend Bill wants a background check, mafia henchman Tony makes a peculiar request, and Shane can’t help but think his client just might kill him anyway after he finds the dog.

Does Jimmy know a Truth that will change Shane’s life, or is it a big lie?

His Review:

A beloved pet is missing. Tony Two-Times wants him back and orders our hero to find him. There will be no reward, just a ticket to stay alive. Finding a dog does not usually require a private detective but refusing Tony invites a visit to six feet under. No is not a word in Tony’s vocabulary! He has lost his beloved dog and wants the bitch back yesterday.

The Big Lie by Gabriel ValjanOthers suspected of absconding with the furball are dispatched very unceremoniously. The job won’t pay but then again, not doing it will result in permanent burial. Many in Tony’s world have received the reward for not finding Tony’s dog but there are roadblocks in the way.

A mob leader or mafioso boss has many things in common. Denying their requests is not an option. Our hero finds that leads he feels may be fruitful were not. Meanwhile, the time is getting short and the dog cannot be found!

C E WilliamsThis story explores the underworld and the loyalties that are required to stay alive! Cleary, an ex-cop, is the subject of the mob bosses’ angst, and the dog better be found. The result is an exposé of the thinking within the mob. Very informative! 4.5 stars – CE Williams

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with the opportunity to read and review this book. These opinions are my own.


Rosepoint Publishing: Four point Five Stars 4.5 stars


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Book Details:

Genre: Hard-Boiled Mysteries, Historical Mysteries
Publisher: Level Best Books – Level Historia
Print Length: 214 pages
Publication Date: March 12, 2024
Source: Publisher and NetGalley

Title Link(s):

Amazon   |   Barnes & Noble  |  Kobo


Gabriel Valjan - authorThe Author: Gabriel Valjan is the author of the Roma Series, The Company Files, and the Shane Cleary Mysteries. He has been nominated for the Agatha, Anthony, Silver Falchion Awards, and received the 2021 Macavity Award for Best Short Story. Gabriel is a member of the Historical Novel Society, ITW, MWA, and Sisters in Crime. He lives in Boston.

©2024 CE Williams – V Williams


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